Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mighty Mini Portfolio!

Click the squished thumbnails below to view an enlarged version!

These are a few selections from my work, mostly from my personal side projects. If you would like to visit some of my graphic and school related illustration work, please visit this link!!

The majority of the artwork seen here is a combination of hand done pencil or pen work along with digital coloring. A few out of the group are done solely on the computer. I find that being able to draw by hand makes my digital work much stronger. I value the traditional styles and techniques of real life drawings and painting, and put them into my stylized work.

In case you were wondering, evikted Rei is a strange pen name that I came up with a while back (probably 7 years ago in early highschool) . I choose to use this name when submitting my anime work, and go by my own name for my graphic work.

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